The Name - My Passion

“Made in Paris”, born in Amsterdam, educated on three continents until my family decided to settle down in Fribourg (French-speaking Switzerland). Languages have been part of my life since my early childhood. I started to study in Fribourg (linguistics and journalism) and completed my training in Zurich to become a translator, a conference interpreter and a voice-over artist.

CARALINGUA IS NOT AN AGENCY but a group of professional translators and conference interpreters, all graduates of recognized schools. I translate into French and English. The other languages indicated here are mother tongues of the colleagues I call upon. To better serve you.

  • Qual. conference interpreter DOZ-ZHAW, aiic member
  • Qual. translator DOZ-ZHAW, astti member
  • Voice-over, narrator & dubber (demos)
  • Speaker trainer and coach
  • Qual. SVEB adult educator for FR, DE, EN
  • Language teacher for FR, DE, EN
  • Proofreading, correcting, editing
  • Works on Mac