
Minimum rate (1 page / 1800 characters or less) CHF 100.-
Rate per line (60 characters) CHF 3.50 to 4.50
Film & clip subtitles per 3 min. clip CHF 400.-
for each new 4 min. bracket CHF 250.-
Lip sync’ adaptations, per hour CHF 150.-
Express surchage (translation returned within 24 hours) + 50%
Super-express surcharge 
(evenings, or translation returned within 8 hours)
+ 100%
Weekend/holiday surcharge  + 100%
Advertising texts, slogans, etc. (adaptation, editing) CHF as of 400.-
Proofreading, correcting, editing, per hour CHF 80.- to 125.-
Research, (e.g. on the Internet, for specialized texts) CHF according to time

(1 CHF = ± 1 € / ± 1.10 $. Please check the daily rates)

Should you be unable to send me a text to be translated by the arranged date, please be kind enough to let me know at least 48 HOURS in advance, as otherwise I shall unfortunately have to charge you for the time set aside to do the assignment in question.

Any complaints must be notified to me within 3 days of receipt of the translation. 

All our prices are net. Invoices are payable without discount within 30 days of invoice receipt.